Empower healthcare industry

with mobility

And now, the time has come to implement healthcare mobility, to enhance human health. Just imagine the various disease, pains and sufferings they bring to human go extinct. Mobility for healthcare can bring healthy living of human beings.

As per the World Health Organisation, “Health is a state of complete, mental, physical and social well-being and not purely the absence of decease or infirmity”. Hence when we speak about health of an individual it means the overall well-being of an individual. Mindnotix is one of the best healthcare mobile app development companies offering application for all health perspectives.

Health and fitness mobility include

  • Exercise tracking
  • Heart rate monitoring
  • Dietary control and management
  • Calorie counting

Process of Healthcare Application

Mobile app provides a better tracking of your health which allows managing and living a healthy life. They also provide more sophisticated system and help patients manage complex health conditions by connecting them with the healthcare applications






Category of appointment


Choose Doctor


time Slot


Confirm Appointment


Track Health Care


Manage Patient

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring is one of the featured inventions of new generation where the patients can be tracked continuously.

  • Mobile wearable device to detect blood sugar and blood pressure.
  • Using image analysis to monitor patient from remote location.
  • Possibility of instant review by remote care givers.
  • Connectivity between caregivers and doctors on emergency.

Tele Medicine

Tele Medicine is the best way to provide clinical treatments from distance through telecommunication combined with information technology.

  • Real time communication between doctor and patients.
  • Video conferencing with physicians.
  • Secured transfer of medical information.
  • Efficient transmission of image X –rays,scan reports.

Patient Health Record Management

Patient Health record management is the best method where the patient themselves can track their health conditions

  • Electronic health record management in cloud.
  • Secured transfer of health records.
  • Deriving analytics of medical data.
  • Machine learning based allergy identification.

Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine is used to treat unexpected or unscheduled patients especially for the people who are injured due to accidents.

  • Applying data analytics for first aid.
  • Intelligent based wearable to detect fatal conditions.
  • Possibility to communicate to senior physicians in case of critical condition.
  • Providing medicine taking in to consideration of allergies of the patients.

Case Studies


Encyclopaedia – AR for Education

Augment Reality gives next level of presenting contents in education book with real experience. It will be the best technology learns in upcoming days, almost all contents published as a book will be converted as AR Book for interactive learning. We have converted Encyclopaedia in to AR book with voice over’s and 3D....


Service2You – Service Based Application

Service2You is services based application which helps user to easily book for electricians, plumbers, housekeeping, laundry etc and fix a time slot so that services will be available at doorstep. Once a service is been booked by the user, their location will be auto-detected which helps the service provider to easily move to the users...



How to implement IOT, AI and AR in manufacturing industries

In the age of Industry 4.0 and the digital transformation of manufacturing, the manufacturing industry is the market where most Industrial IoT (IIoT) projects are realized and by far the market where most IIoT investments place.The manufacturing industry is leading in the Internet of Things for...


Mobile App Breakthrough your Business

Companies today using Mobile Application Technology as a main source for business process control and tracking solutions. Even a ERP or any other software in place it doesn’t give right way of tracking the operations. Since few processes are not traceable due to software incapability to provide instant data to control.

Develop an application to lead a healthy living